"Jesus said, ... I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." ~ John 14:6

"Neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow." ~ I Corinthians 3:7

Pastor Jim's Sermons

Sermons are from worship services at Lincoln Street Baptist Church in Mount Pleasant, Iowa, and Wilton Baptist Church in Wilton, Iowa. The list has been updated, with the most recent ones at the top.




The 23rd Psalm: "Surely Goodness and Mercy Shall Follow Me" _ Psalm 23:6 _ https://jimmyl1349.podbean.com/e/surely-goodness-and-mercy-shall-follow-me/

Christmas Sermon Series: "His Name ... Prince of Peace" _ Isaiah 9:6 / Luke 2:1-20 _ http://bit.ly/2V8laho
Christmas Sermon Series: "His Name ... Everlasting Father" _ Isaiah 9:6 / Isaiah 63: 15-19 _ http://bit.ly/2GuGb2a

Christmas Sermon Series: "His Name ... Mighty God" _ Isaiah 9:6 / Psalm 27 _ http://bit.ly/2Ep4jS0 
Christmas Sermon Series: "His Name ... Wonderful" _ Isaiah 9:6 / Psalm 8 http://bit.ly/2BLhBWG 
The 23rd Psalm: "A Banquet Prepared by God's Grace"_Psalm 23:5_
The 23rd Psalm: "Thy Rod and Thy Staff They Comfort Me"_Psalm 23:4_
The 23rd Psalm: "I Will Fear No Evil" _ Psalm 23:4 _ http://bit.ly/2yPocgD
The 23rd Psalm: "He Restoreth My Soul" _Psalm 23:3 _  http://bit.ly/2F1fGB5
The 23rd Psalm: "He Leadeth Me" _ Psalm 23:2-3 _ http://bit.ly/2q3l4ZU
The 23rd Psalm: "The Pause that Refreshes" _Psalm 23:2 _ http://bit.ly/2yG8zqW
The 23rd Psalm: "The Lord is My Shepherd" _ Psalm 23:1 _

"When Trouble Comes ... God is Near" _ Psalm 91 _ http://bit.ly/2IsPCN4
"Follow Me in Genuine Worship," _ Psalm 95:1-7 _ http://bit.ly/2IvjfgH
"Doing God's Will, Not Ours" _ Jonah 1:1-17_ http://bit.ly/2NiBb3Y
Great Hymns of Our Faith: "It is Well with My Soul" _ II Kings 4:18-35 _ http://bit.ly/2CAfMhN
Great Hymns of Our Faith: " 'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus," Proverbs 3: 1-6 _ http://bit.ly/2PWIawZ
Great Hymns of Our Faith: "This Little Light of Mine," Matthew 5:14-16
Great Hymns of Our Faith: "Pass It On," Luke 1: 1-4 _ http://bit.ly/2nMAhxk
Great Hymns of Our Faith: "Amazing Grace," Ephesians 2:1-10 _ http://bit.ly/2OvthjO
Great Hymns of Our Faith: "Have Thine Own Way, Lord," Jeremiah 18:1-6 _ http://bit.ly/2vjJ79S
Great Hymns of Our Faith: "O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go," II Corinthians 4:5-6 _ http://bit.ly/2Mn2TrA
Great Hymns of Our Faith: "The Old Rugged Cross," Philippians 2:5-11 _ http://bit.ly/2O6EqIq

Great Hymns of Our Faith: "Blessed Assurance," II Timothy 1:12 _ http://bit.ly/2zDktpC
Great Hymns of Our Faith: "Victory in Jesus," I Corinthians 15:57 _ http://bit.ly/2KSEzR2

Great Hymns of Our Faith: "God Bless America," Proverbs 14:34 _ http://bit.ly/2KxbVEL 
Great Hymns of Our Faith: "Trust and Obey," 
Luke 13:22-30 _ http://bit.ly/2Ilz7AQ
Great Hymns of Our Faith: "Faith of Our Fathers," 
Deuteronomy 6:1-12 _ http://bit.ly/2MBW4Dg
Great Hymns of Our Faith: "What a Friend We Have in Jesus," 
John 15:13-15 http://bit.ly/2xVzSR4
Great Hymns of Our Faith: "Since Jesus Came Into My Heart,"
II Corinthians 5:16-21 _ http://bit.ly/2LWzc0Q
Great Hymns of Our Faith: "My Country Tis of Thee,"
Psalm 33:12-18 _ http://bit.ly/2xoF53Q

Great Hymns of Our Faith: "Dwelling in Beulah Land,"
Isaiah 62: 1-6 _ http://bit.ly/2rUt2G6
Mother's Day message: "A Mother's Wages,"  
Exodus 2: 1-10 _ http://bit.ly/2rLw3rB
Great Hymns of Our Faith: "Jesus Loves Me This I Know,"
Romans 8:35-39  _ http://bit.ly/2HXhWGj
"Our Mission: Seeing Jesus,"  
Luke 4:14-21 _ http://bit.ly/2Hko4In
"Mission Possible," 
Luke 24:36-53 _ http://bit.ly/2qBYSG7 
"The Disciples' Wake-Up Call,"  
Romans 8:14-16 _ http://bit.ly/2uW5ZP6
Easter message: "Good News from the Graveyard," 
Matthew 28:1-10 _ http://bit.ly/2q9RGAG
"Moving Closer To The Cross" Part 4,
Matthew 27: 32-54 _ http://bit.ly/2uizOsK
"Moving Closer To The Cross" Part 3, 
Hebrews 9:22-28 _ http://bit.ly/2FJzd8L
"Moving Closer To The Cross" Part 2, 
Psalm 22 _ http://bit.ly/2tATtUC
"Moving Closer To The Cross" Part 1, 
Isaiah 53:1-12 _ http://bit.ly/2FoFMww
Parables of Jesus:  "The Great Supper,"
Luke 14:15-24 _ http://bit.ly/2Kj6hGd 
Parables of Jesus: "The Hidden Treasure,"
Matthew 13:44 _ http://bit.ly/2KeohS6 

Parables of Jesus: "The Sower, His Seed and The Soils,"
Mark 4:1-20 _  http://bit.ly/2Kjl3cT
Parables of Jesus: "A Solid Foundation,
Matthew 7:24-29 _ http://bit.ly/2Eir5s6
"The Sanctity of Human Life," 
Psalm 139:13-16 _ http://bit.ly/2DzYlwS
"One Day at a Time," 
Matthew 6:31-34 _ http://bit.ly/2Dda8SJ
Christmas / Advent series: "Good News of Great Joy,"
Luke 2:1-20 _ 
Christmas / Advent series: "A Wise Man's Gift,"
Matthew 2:1-12 _ http://bit.ly/2kErhZk
Christmas / Advent series: "The Good News of Christmas,"
Galatians 4:4-5 _ http://bit.ly/2BZBveq
Christmas / Advent series: "What is Christmas?"  
Isaiah 9:6 _ http://bit.ly/2Anv46x
Christmas / Advent series: "God with Us...The Promise of Immanuel," 
Isaiah 7:14 _ http://bit.ly/2BpOjKY
"Come Before Him-With Thanksgiving," 
Psalm 100 _ http://bit.ly/2mJAjs3
Series in I John: "Believing is Knowing," 
1 John 5:6-21 _ http://bit.ly/2ywhSbP
Series in I John: "Faith is the Victory," 
I John 5:1-5 _ http://bit.ly/2zAhBJ8
Series in I John: "Love is The Theme," 
I John 4:7-21 _ http://bit.ly/2zPPOAD
Series in I John: "Testing, Testing, One, Two, Three," 
I John 4:1-6 _ http://bit.ly/2gD5Gm4
Series in I John: "Love _ Loud _ Dare," 
I John 3:11-24 _ http://bit.ly/2yrTzOG
Series in I John: "The Hope in Us," 
I John 3:1-10 _ http://bit.ly/2y9Qlz9
Series in I John: "Counterfeit Christianity,"
I John 2:18-29 _  http://bit.ly/2xQpTdQ
Series in I John: "Beware the Lure of The World," 
I John 2:15-17 _ http://bit.ly/2fqcfrs
Series in I John: "The Old Becomes The New Commandment," 
I John 2:7-14 _ http://bit.ly/2f5sNRF
Series in I John: "Knowing God...It's Personal," 
I John 2: 1-6 _ http://bit.ly/2eXNsKY
Series in I John: "Walking in The Light," 
I John 1: 5-10 _ http://bit.ly/2guOvPB
Series in I John:  "Jesus - The Hope of The World," 
I John 1:1-4 _ http://bit.ly/2wTBAR0
Series in I John: "The Light of The World is Jesus," 
Revelation 21: 22-28 _ http://bit.ly/2wwnPbr
Series in Proverbs: "Obadiah - The Problem of Pride," 
Proverbs 16:18 and Obadiah _ http://bit.ly/2uB2rRP
Message on Faith: "There is No Other Way," 
Proverbs 14:12-16 _  http://bit.ly/2fk75wM
Message on Faith: "The Assurance of Faith," 
Ephesians 3:20-21 _ http://bit.ly/2uOO6y8
Message on Faith: "Keep the Vision," 
Proverbs 29:18 _ http://bit.ly/2tSMdhK
Message on Faith: "Simply Trusting," 
Proverbs 16:20 _ http://bit.ly/2uybLoX
Message on Faith: "Four Basics of Faith," 
Proverbs 3:5-6 _ http://bit.ly/2sUST39
Series in Proverbs: "America ... Sweet Land of Liberty," 
Proverbs 14:34 _  http://bit.ly/2swsfh6
Series in Proverbs: "The Cure for Heart Trouble," 
Proverbs 4:23-27 _ http://bit.ly/2sRsmR8
Series in Proverbs:  "Godly Fathers," 
Proverbs 17:6 _ http://bit.ly/2rKBsgb
Series in Proverbs: "Understanding Life" (Part 2 of 2)
Proverbs 3: 13-35 _ http://bit.ly/2rUpiWP
Series in Proverbs:  "Memorial Day ... Let's Remember," 
Proverbs 10:7 and Joshua 4:1-7 _ http://bit.ly/2s7jNkn
Series in Proverbs: "Understanding Life" (Part 1 of 2)
Proverbs 3: 1-12 _  http://bit.ly/2qF8Dod
Series in Proverbs: "A Mother's Day Card," 
Proverbs 31: 10-31 _ http://bit.ly/2qgOqVT
Series in Proverbs:  "If, Then, When - 3 Steps to Willing Obedience," 
Proverbs 2: 1-9 _ http://bit.ly/2paRtzB
Series in Proverbs:  "Choosing The Right Path," 
Proverbs 4: 10-18 _ http://bit.ly/2qvUS8p
Series in Proverbs: "Me! A Wise Person ... You've Got To Be Kidding," 
Proverbs 1: 1-7 _ http://bit.ly/2pd548v
He Lives! John 20: 1-18 _ http://bit.ly/2pXvAUc
What Jesus Said From the Cross - The Seventh Statement: "Father, Into Thy Hands I Commend My Spirit,"
Luke 23:44-46 _ http://bit.ly/2nv2OtL

What Jesus Said From the Cross - The Sixth Statement: "It Is Finished,"
John 19:30 _ http://bit.ly/2oqFpcV
What Jesus Said From the Cross - The Fifth Statement: "I Thirst,"
John 19:28 _ 
What Jesus Said From the Cross - The Fourth Statement: "My God, Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me?"
Mark 15:33-35 _ 
What Jesus Said From the Cross - The Third Statement: "Woman, Behold Thy Son,"
John 19:25-27 _ http://bit.ly/2mgm6OP
What Jesus Said From the Cross - The Second Statement: "Today you will be with Me in Paradise,"
Luke 23:39-43 _ http://bit.ly/2lFxeZm
What Jesus Said From the Cross-The First Statement: "Father, Forgive Them,"
Luke 23:32-34 _ 2/26/2017 http://bit.ly/2l0JQda

"The Blessed Word,"
John 3:5-21 _ http://bit.ly/2lkooMY

(God loves us - God redeems us - God cares for us)
"Take Hold of God,"
Isaiah 64:1-8 _ http://bit.ly/2khnlQA

(Like in Isaiah's day, we as a Church need to see God at work once again)
"The Love of God," A Lord's Supper sermon from Romans 5:1-11 _ http://bit.ly/2kItch6
"The Three Trees," Psalm 1 _ http://bit.ly/2k6HAgG
(related to Spiritual Gifts taken from 1 Corinthians 12)

"Spiritual Warfare / David and Goliath,"
I Samuel 17: 1-11 _ http://bit.ly/2jWEDkQ
"The Hidden Gospel,"
II Corinthians 4:1-6 _ http://bit.ly/2iWn6J6

"What You Can't Lose,"
Romans 8:28-39 _ http://bit.ly/2irpp81

(Four assurances a Christian can never lose - Salvation, God's Forgiveness, Access to God through Prayer and God's Presence)
"You Shall Call His Name Jesus,"
Matthew 1:18-25 _ http://bit.ly/2i49D1X

"O Little Town of Bethlehem,"
Micah 5:2-5 _ http://bit.ly/2hxji0W
"The Promised Messiah," 
Isaiah 9:6-7 _ http://bit.ly/2gcxcUr
"Having an Attitude of Gratitude,"
I Thessalonians 5:18 _ http://bit.ly/2gYSbJ1 


"The Light of Life"
Revelation 21:23 _ http://bit.ly/2h38vbV
"The Model Prayer ... The Greatest Prayer"

Matthew 6:5-13 _ http://bit.ly/2h0hkma
"An Invitation to the Lord's Table" 
I Corinthians 11:20-30 _ http://bit.ly/2h3jotY
"Easy as One, Two, Three" 
Matthew 7:7-11 _ http://bit.ly/2heHSUh
"Prayer in Worship" 
I Timothy 2:1-15 _ http://bit.ly/2gPAmhp
"God Bless America?" 
Proverbs 14:34 _  http://bit.ly/2gAczPA
"Godly Fathers" 
Psalm 112  _ http://bit.ly/2heUzKM
"Because He Lives!" (based on Bill and Gloria Gaither's song of the same name) 
Luke 24:1-9  _ http://bit.ly/2hePvdm
 "Baseball - Running for Home" 
John 14:6 and Luke 24:46-49 _ http://bit.ly/2h0gOEF
"Spiritual Warfare" 
I Samuel 17:4-11 _ http://bit.ly/2ghQpUQ
"Fruit of the Spirit: Temperance (Self-Control)"
 II Peter 1:5-11 _ http://bit.ly/2h39xo1
"Fruit of the Spirit: Meekness" 
Isaiah 29:17-19 _ http://bit.ly/2gA7JC7
"A Mother's Day Card" 
Proverbs 31:10-31 _ http://bit.ly/2h33RKN
"Fruit of the Spirit: Faith" 
Hebrews 11:1-6 _ http://bit.ly/2heK1v5
"Fruit of the Spirit: Goodness" 
Proverbs 20:5-6 _  http://bit.ly/2heCujM
"Fruit of the Spirit: Gentleness (Kindness)" 
 II Corinthians 6:1-10 _ http://bit.ly/2ghz0eO
"Fruit of the Spirit: Longsuffering"
Ephesians 4:1-3 _ http://bit.ly/2he60SV

Review of first three "Fruit of the Spirit"
Galatians 5:22-23 _ http://bit.ly/2ghtybS
"Risen with Christ" (Easter/Resurrection Day) 
Luke 24:1-9 _ http://bit.ly/2gZ5Lfk
"Were You There When They Crucified Our Lord?"  (Good Friday) 
"The Man on the Donkey" 
Malachi 3:8-12, from The Baptist Faith & Message _ http://bit.ly/2gPvHfD
"The Kingdom of God" _http://bit.ly/2gYTsja